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2017.08 Cooperation agreement signed between IAEA and JN-HRD Net on nuclear HRD
2015.04 NHRD Roadmap Policy disclosed
2014.08 "NHRD Strategic Path ahead after Fukushima" strategy reviewed upon JAEC suggestion
2013.06 1st JN-HRD Newsletter issued
2012.06 1st Japan-IAEA Joint School of Nuclear Energy Management (NEM) held
2011.12 1st Annual Review Meeting held
2011.08 JN-HRD Message "NHRD after Fukushima Daiichi" delivered
2010.11 Japan Nuclear Human Resource Development Network (JN-HRD Net) established with 49 Charter Organizations (Joint Secretariat at JAEA and JAIF/JICC) under the Government support (Cabinet Office, MEXT, METI and MOFA)
JN-HRD.Net Established
2010.04 NHRD Basic Strategies for Foundation announced, and Establishment of the Japan Nuclear Human Resource Development Network proposed by the Nuclear Human Resource Development Council
2007.09 The Nuclear Human Resource Development Council launched (under the METI initiative, chaired by Takuya Hattori, President of the Japan Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc. (JAIF)

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