2017.08 | Cooperation agreement signed between IAEA and JN-HRD Net on nuclear HRD |
2015.04 | NHRD Roadmap Policy disclosed |
2014.08 | "NHRD Strategic Path ahead after Fukushima" strategy reviewed upon JAEC suggestion |
2013.06 | 1st JN-HRD Newsletter issued |
2012.06 | 1st Japan-IAEA Joint School of Nuclear Energy Management (NEM) held |
2011.12 | 1st Annual Review Meeting held |
2011.08 | JN-HRD Message "NHRD after Fukushima Daiichi" delivered |
2010.11 |
Japan Nuclear Human Resource Development Network (JN-HRD Net) established with 49 Charter Organizations (Joint Secretariat at JAEA and JAIF/JICC) under the Government support (Cabinet Office, MEXT, METI and MOFA) JN-HRD.Net Established |
2010.04 | NHRD Basic Strategies for Foundation announced, and Establishment of the Japan Nuclear Human Resource Development Network proposed by the Nuclear Human Resource Development Council |
2007.09 | The Nuclear Human Resource Development Council launched (under the METI initiative, chaired by Takuya Hattori, President of the Japan Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc. (JAIF) |

[ Reference ]
- Member organizations
- Number of participating organizations by sectors
- Field survey reports on NHRD activities in other countries and international organizations
- Thailand (in Japanese)
- Malaysia (in Japanese)
- Kazakhstan (in Japanese)
- Thailand, Viet Nam and Malaysia (in Japanese)
- Mongolia (in Japanese)
- Philippines, Indonesia (in Japanese)
- Korea (KINGS) (in Japanese)
- Europe (UK, France, Austria) (in Japanese)
- North America (US, Canada) (in Japanese)
- World Nuclear University -Summer Institute and related activities (in Japanese)
- IAEA Nuclear Management School (in Japanese)