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NHRD Basic Strategies for Foundation (2010)

(April 2010)

The Strategy Planning Council for Nuclear Human Resource Development concluded the suggestions as the result of intensive deliberation since FY 2006 on the strategic actions toward human resources development (HRD) from the following understanding based on the analysis of status at the time (excerpt from the Introduction of the Report in 2010).

  • Nuclear engineers and researchers with in-depth knowledge and technological capabilities are indispensable in long-term nuclear promotion.
  • Engineers who have driven nuclear growth in nuclear advanced countries are in retiring ages, while newcomer countries have strong needs of cooperation from nuclear advanced countries.
  • Japan needs to revitalize nuclear industry, keep and advance nuclear technological capability mainly be taking orders of nuclear power plant construction form overseas, until needs from domestic plant replacement projects get momentum.
  • Speedy actions should be taken flexibly in a global market. It is strategically in need to develop human resources with global capacities in Japan and also in newcomer countries.

The Council:
    (1) Listed up the issues of developing nuclear human resources with global capacities withdrawn from the analysis of conventional systems of social basic structures, school education (primary, junior high and high schools), advanced education (universities, colleges), practical business community, and in nuclear business field [Chapter 1];
    (2) Surveyed nuclear HRD status in nuclear advanced countries [Chapter 2];
    (3) Extracted key issues to tackle in view of business outlook at the time [Chapter 3];
    (4) Deliberated on the needs and significance of networking of relevant organizations in driving strategic human resources development [Chapter 4]; and
    (5) Concluded HRD polices in nuclear field [Chapter 5].

Following ten (10) Suggestions have been presented for developing nuclear engineers and researchers, and ensuring human resources basemat.

More detail

(Full text in Japanese)
(Translation by the Secretariat (JAEA))

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