(April 2010)
The Strategy Planning Council for Nuclear Human Resource Development concluded the suggestions as the result of intensive deliberation since FY 2006 on the strategic actions toward human resources development (HRD) from the following understanding based on the analysis of status at the time (excerpt from the Introduction of the Report in 2010).
- Nuclear engineers and researchers with in-depth knowledge and technological capabilities are indispensable in long-term nuclear promotion.
- Engineers who have driven nuclear growth in nuclear advanced countries are in retiring ages, while newcomer countries have strong needs of cooperation from nuclear advanced countries.
- Japan needs to revitalize nuclear industry, keep and advance nuclear technological capability mainly be taking orders of nuclear power plant construction form overseas, until needs from domestic plant replacement projects get momentum.
- Speedy actions should be taken flexibly in a global market. It is strategically in need to develop human resources with global capacities in Japan and also in newcomer countries.
The Council:
(1) | Listed up the issues of developing nuclear human resources with global capacities withdrawn from the analysis of conventional systems of social basic structures, school education (primary, junior high and high schools), advanced education (universities, colleges), practical business community, and in nuclear business field [Chapter 1]; |
(2) | Surveyed nuclear HRD status in nuclear advanced countries [Chapter 2]; |
(3) | Extracted key issues to tackle in view of business outlook at the time [Chapter 3]; |
(4) | Deliberated on the needs and significance of networking of relevant organizations in driving strategic human resources development [Chapter 4]; and |
(5) | Concluded HRD polices in nuclear field [Chapter 5]. |
Following ten (10) Suggestions have been presented for developing nuclear engineers and researchers, and ensuring human resources basemat.
- Increase efforts in elementary and middle schools to encourage students to participate in post secondary education in science, particularly in engineering.
- Add energy environment education into the curriculum
- Offer classes on nuclear power generation and radiation in accordance with the new educational guidelines
- Strengthen supports to offer the classes mentioned above and build networks to make effective use of the supports
- Make an appeal of nuclear power to high school students as in occasions of open campus, and increase their interests in engineering, particularly in nuclear engineering
- Educate and convey accurate knowledge of the necessity and safety of nuclear power / Provide accurate information to textbook publishers.
- Increase efforts to provide educators accurate information, training opportunities and supports, and implement them effectively with networking
- Provide supplementary reading and teaching materials, enhance and reinforce supports of visiting lectures, and implement them effectively through networking
- Convey attentive and appealing information to recipients.
- Spread interests and potentials of nuclear technologies, researches and industries to society, particularly to the young generations, and encourage more students to choose the path of nuclear.
- Promote activities to educate societies, children and students that nuclear power in the world is expected to expand widely in the future
- Specifically, certain progress on nuclear power projects, especially implementation of global expansion of Japanese nuclear power industry
- Provide information through industrial information meetings and internships for students
- Implementation of energetic nuclear power workplaces
- Provide basic education of nuclear to students who do not specialize in nuclear engineering.
- Restructure specialized education system on nuclear power and enhance its improvement securing and developing future professors in the basic fields.
- Clarification of evaluation criteria for educational contribution from the viewpoint of securing future professors
- Strengthen and enhance educational support from industries on collaborative researches, dispatched instructors and facility visits
- Networking of lectures and professors, such as standardized credit for various lectures
- Utilizing nuclear facilities for education and research by co-share, for experiments and facility visits, also enriching the contents of the activities, and networking
- Global cooperation on educational resources such as textbooks, professors, and educational research facilities
- Supports for universities with distinctive features that utilize specialties and expertise in a certain field in nuclear (selection and concentration)
- Conduct diverse education from advanced technologies to actual implementation by making most of the cooperation among universities located close to nuclear power facilities, research institutes and industries
- International Human Resource Development Increase Japanese employees working in international organizations, active participation in international conferences.
- International career path and visualization of their possible career upon return.
- Support participations in international educational activities and prepare classes given in English
- Develop human resources who have international mindsets and knowledge of global issues specific to nuclear as well as having their own technical expertise
- Maintain a framework of human resource development responding to the growing needs of NPP newly introducing countries.
- Rearranging the human resource development framework in Japan in proposing human resources development strategies to NPP newly introducing countries
- Preparing a framework of dispatching professors and accepting engineers, to and from NPP newly introducing countries
- Establish systems for technology succession in nuclear fields - Ensure successful nuclear technology transfer to younger generation by promoting a shift from implicit (self-owned experience) to explicit (written) knowledge of nuclear techniques.
- Establish systems to maintain and inherit implicit and explicit knowledge of nuclear technologies
- Promote networking according to the features of the human resources development activities and to establish a hub that can coordinate and control such networking.
- Promote networking of human resource development activities from the viewpoint of; education stage, specialized areas, organizations, human resources and local communities.
(Examples of networking)
Networking of common lectures among universities, Network for co-sharing nuclear facilities for education and research in universities, Networking to support elementary and middle school education, Networking to support training in working level, Networking of international human resource development, etc.
- Establish a hub that leads other independent networks
- Promote networking of human resource development activities from the viewpoint of; education stage, specialized areas, organizations, human resources and local communities.
- Systematization and visualization of nuclear human resource development in Japan.
- Systematization of nuclear human resource development and quality assurance on nuclear human resources by horizontally networking the activities based on development (training) level and by establishing a network which controls the whole
- Visualization of the conditions in Japan gained as an accomplishment of interdisciplinary alliances for nuclear human resource development
- Establish a core constitutive organization (a hub for overall nuclear human resource development) for strategic nuclear human resource development - Establish a core organization with work force and budget, that can powerfully coordinate industry, academia and government.
- The core organization will coordinate the whole and act as a contact point, with respect to the independency of each activities
(Full text in Japanese)
(Translation by the Secretariat (JAEA))
(Translation by the Secretariat (JAEA))