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NHRD Roadmap Policy
  --- Issues, and how should they be tackled? ---

Japan Nuclear Human Resource Development Network
Note: This document outlines the Abstract of the report (in Japanese) of the Nuclear Human Resource Development Network (JN-HRD Net) dated April 20, 2015. The report was compiled by the Advisory Body for the JN-HRD.Net on the NHRD strategic planning.
(Full text in Japanese)

(NHRD Roadmaps in Charts)

The nuclear accident at the TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (hereafter the "Fukushima Daiichi 2011") gave big impacts not only in Japan but also worldwide. It compelled all nuclear stakeholders to reexamine the conventional safety approach. Human resources with knife-edged insight are indispensable to ensure real nuclear safety. The JN-HRD Net was founded in 2010, a year before the Fukushima Daiichi 2011 as a loosely interacting platform for nuclear human resource development among industrial, governmental and academic stakeholders. Since the accident, the interest in nuclear science is being lowered among young generations, the OJT opportunities are being reduced due to forced outages of nuclear power plants, and deteriorating educational environment at universities has become explicit. Nevertheless, expectations of emerging newcomer countries remain strong toward Japanese contribution to the technical cooperation and human resource development.

Under such situation, the JN-HRD Net set an ad-hoc committee "Strategic Planning Council for Nuclear Human Resource Development" (Chief, M. Uesaka, University of Tokyo) as an advisory body to the Steering Committee Chairman Mr. T. Takuya (President of JAIF).The Council repeated deliberations in the past year on the means to secure nuclear human resources, which are indispensable for ensuring the nuclear power generation, being defined as the baseload power source of Japan, and for tackling the issues of decommissioning the Fukushima Daiichi NPP, high level radioactive waste disposal, nuclear fuel cycle business, international marketing and contribution, etc. The Council has concluded the division of responsibilities among industry, government and academic arenas and timelines of human resource development as roadmaps.

The Council also identified the following three crucial challenges to be strategically tackled by the all-Japan framework.

  1. Securing and utilizing large-scale research facilities like research reactors,
  2. Strategical development of human resources in nuclear emerging countries, and
  3. Establishment of a human resource development control body

Reference: NHRD Strategical Roadmaps by Charts

(Full text in Japanese)
(Translation by the Secretariat (JAEA))

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