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Researchers & Laboratories List

[ Japanese ]   
Researcher's Name Status Affiliation / Laboratory / Keyword
Hokkaido University
ProfessorDivision of Applied Quantum Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering
Laboratory of Nuclear and Environmental Materials
[Radioactive waste management, Reactor Materials Science, Action to abolish reactors]
    Kazuhiro Sawa
Project ProfessorDivision of Applied Quantum Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering
Laboratory of Nuclear System Safety Engineering
[Reactor safety system design, Fuel development for HTR, Evaluation of fission products behaviors]
ProfessorDivision of Applied Quantum Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering
ProfessorDivision of Applied Quantum Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering
Laboratory of Nuclear and Environmental Materials
[Radioactive waste management, Reactor Materials Science, Action to abolish reactors]
Vice-Director (Project Professor)Center of Ambitious Research and Education for Nuclear Safety
[Radiation, Director Irradiation effect, High energy, Particle accelerator,Radiation shielding]
Tohoku University
ProfessorDepartment of Quantum Science and Energy Engineering
Nuclear Energy-Flow Environmental Engineering
Project ProfessorInternational Research Center for Nuclear Materials Science, Institute Materials Rsearch (MR), Tohoku University
[Nuclear Fuel, Radioactive Waste Management]
Ibaraki University
Adjunct ProfessorGraduate School of Science and Engineering Institute of Quantum Beam Science
[Radiation Protection, Radiation Dosimetry ]
University of Tsukuba
ProfessorDegree Programs in Systems and Information Engineering
[Fate and Transport of Environmental Pollutants, Long-Term Predictions, Aerosols]
Waseda University
ProfessorCooperative Major in Nuclear Energy, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
[Nuclear thermal-hydraulics, Heat transfer engineering, Fluid engineering, Electrochemistry, Nuclear Safety, Simulation, AI, MI, Machine Learning]
ProfessorCooperative Major in Nuclear Energy, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
Yamaji Laboratory
[Reactor Design, Advanced Reactors, Severe Accident, Reactor Physics, Computer Science]
ProfessorFaculty of Science and Engineering School of Creative Science and Engineering, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Geotechnical Engineering (Hideo Komine) Laboratory
[Radioactive Waste Disposal, Decomissioning]
Tokai University
ProfessorDepartment of Nuclear Engineering, School of Engineering
[Radioactive Waste Management, Safety Assessment, Risk Analysis]
ProfessorGlobal Research Institute of Nuclear Energy / Radiation Security Control Center
[nuclear engineering, nuclear reactor physics, nuclear reactor engineering, nuclear fuel engineerin]
Institute of Science Tokyo
ProfessorLaboratory for Zero-Carbon Energy, Institute of Innovative Research
[Nuclear Energy System, Energy Storage, Energy Conversion, Low-Carbon, Chemical Engineering]
Project ProfessorLaboratory for Zero-Carbon Energy, Institute of Innovative Research
Takeshita Laboratory
[Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering, Waste Disposal, Waste Management, Resource Recycling, Environmental Conservation]
ProfessorLaboratory for Zero-Carbon Energy, Institute of Innovative Research
[Reactor Physics, Innovative Nuclear Systems, Decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station]
ProfessorLaboratory for Zero-Carbon Energy, Institute of Innovative Research
[Analytical Chemistry, Radiochemistry, Micro/Nano Chemistry, Nuclear Fuel Cycle, Radioactive Waste Management]
ProfessorLaboratory for Zero-Carbon Energy, Institute of Innovative Research
Yoshinao Kobayashi Laboratory
ProfessorLaboratory for Zero-Carbon Energy, Institute of Innovative Research
Sagara Laboratory
Associate ProfessorLaboratory for Zero-Carbon Energy, Institute of Innovative Research
[Liquid Metal, Molten Salt, Material Compatibility, Corrosion, Fusion Reactor Fast Reactor, Interdisciplinary Research]
Associate ProfessorLaboratory for Zero-Carbon Energy, Institute of Innovative Research
[Radiation Biology, Cancer Radiotherapy, Effects by Low Dose/Low Dose Rate Radiation, Molecular Biology, DNA Repair]
Associate ProfessorLaboratory for Zero-Carbon Energy, Institute of Innovative Research
Akatsuka Laboratory
[Plasma Engineering, Plasma Spectroscopy, Atomic and Molecular Processes]
Associate ProfessorLaboratory for Zero-Carbon Energy, Institute of Innovative Research
[Plasma Science, Quantum Beam Engineering, Fusion Neutron Source, Cluster Beam Source]
Associate ProfessorLaboratory for Zero-Carbon Energy, Institute of Innovative Research
[Magnetic Confinement Fusion, Plasma Physics, Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage]
Associate ProfessorLaboratory for Zero-Carbon Energy, Institute of Innovative Research
Katabuchi Laboratory
[Nuclear Data Measurement, Neutron Nuclear Reaction, Nuclear Experiment, Radiation Measurement, Neutron Medical Application]
Associate ProfessorLaboratory for Zero-Carbon Energy, Institute of Innovative Research
Kikura Laboratory
Associate ProfessorLaboratory for Zero-Carbon Energy, Institute of Innovative Research
Takao Laboratory
Associate ProfessorLaboratory for Zero-Carbon Energy, Institute of Innovative Research
Nakase Laboratory
Associate ProfessorLaboratory for Zero-Carbon Energy, Institute of Innovative Research
Associate ProfessorLaboratory for Zero-Carbon Energy, Institute of Innovative Research
Yoshida Labboratory
Assistant ProfessorLaboratory for Zero-Carbon Energy, Institute of Innovative Research
    Takuya Harada
Associate ProfessorNuclear Engineering, Department of Chemical Science and Engineering, School of Materials and Chemical Technology
Harada Research Group
[Low Carbon Energy, Nuclear Energy Utilization, Chemical Engineering, Carbon Neutral Cycle]
The University of Tokyo
ProfessorDepartment of Environment Systems, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences
ProfessorDepartment of Nuclear Engineering and Management, School of Engineering
[Fission, Fusion, Nuclear materials, Nuclear fuels, Extreme environment, Degradation mechanism, Radiation effects]
ProfessorDepartment of Nuclear Engineering and Management, School of Engineering
[Radiation measurements, Gamma-ray imaging, Environmental radiation, Neutron detectors, Signal processing]
ProfessorDepartment of Nuclear Engineering and Management, School of Engineering
[Ion beam, AMS, Isotope geochemistry, Radioisotope environment assessment]
ProfessorDepartment of Nuclear Engineering and Management, School of Engineering
Kenichi L. Ishikawa Laboratory
[High-order harmonic generation, High-field physics, Ab initio simulations, Monte-Carlo method]
ProfessorDepartment of Nuclear Engineering and Management, School of Engineering
Hasegawa Laboratory
[Laser Science, Atomic and Molecular Science, Isotope Engineering]
ProfessorDepartment of Nuclear Engineering and Management, School of Engineering
Fujii-Komiyama Laboratory
[Energy Economic Systems, Technology and Policy Assessment, Optimization, Stochastic Programming]
ProfessorDepartment of Nuclear Engineering and Management, School of Engineering
Sakai Laboratory
[Computational granular dynamics, Discrete element method, Multiphiscs modeling]
ProfessorDepartment of Nuclear Engineering and Management, School of Engineering
[Energy security, Energy-economic model, Mathematical optimization, Econometrics]
ProfessorDepartment of Nuclear Engineering and Management, School of Engineering
Saito Laboratory
[Nuclear waste disposal, Physical chemistry, Geochemistry, Actinide chemistry]
ProfessorDepartment of Nuclear Engineering and Management, School of Engineering
Visualization Laboratory
[Visualization, Nuclear safety, Severe accident]
ProfessorDepartment of Nuclear Engineering and Management, School of Engineering
Kasahara Laboratory
[Nuclear Structural Engineering, High temperature strength, Structural Analysis, Fast Reactor]
Associate ProfessorDepartment of Nuclear Engineering and Management, School of Engineering
[Radiation chemistry, Radiation application, Radiation degradation, Polymer material]
Associate ProfessorDepartment of Nuclear Engineering and Management, School of Engineering
[High Field Physics, Attosecond Science, Wave Function Theory, Density Functional Theory, Quantum Chemistry]
Associate ProfessorDepartment of Nuclear Engineering and Management, School of Engineering
[Radiation effect (physical chemistry, chemistry, and biochemistry), water chemistry in nuclear engineering, cancer therapy, industrial application of radiation, interfaces]
Associate ProfessorDepartment of Nuclear Engineering and Management, School of Engineering
Demachi Laboratory
[Anomaly Detection, Nuclear Maintenance, Nuclear Security, Medical Image, Deep Learning]
ProfessorDepartment of Systems Innovation
Koshizuka Laboratory
[Computational Fluid Dynamics, Computational Mechanics, Physics-based CG, Thermal-hydraulics, Nuclear Engineering, Ship Engineering, Micro Flow, Bio-mechanics]
Associate ProfessorResilience Engineering Research Center, School of Engineering
[Nuclear Safety, Risk-Informed Decision Making, Radiation Damage, In-Situ Experiments]
Associate ProfessorGraduate School of Engineering
[Nuclear thermal-hydraulics, Gas-liquid two-phase flow]
Tokyo City University
ProfessorDepartment of Nuclear Safety Engineering, Faculty of Engineering / Graduate School of Integrative Science and Engineering
ProfessorDepartment of Nuclear Safety Engineering, Faculty of Engineering / Graduate School of Integrative Science and Engineering
[Radiation Detector, Imaging]
ProfessorDepartment of Nuclear Safety Engineering, Faculty of Engineering / Graduate School of Integrative Science and Engineering
[Advanced Reactor, Nuclear Transmutation, Thorium]
ProfessorDepartment of Nuclear Safety Engineering, Faculty of Engineering / Graduate School of Integrative Science and Engineering
[Nuclear Fuel, Fission Product, Fuel Debris, Radioactive Waste]
ProfessorDepartment of Nuclear Safety Engineering, Faculty of Engineering / Graduate School of Integrative Science and Engineering
[Earthquake Engineering, Seismic PRA, Seismic Isolation, Performance Based Design]
ProfessorDepartment of Nuclear Safety Engineering, Faculty of Engineering / Graduate School of Integrative Science and Engineering
[Nuclear Safety, Severe Accident, Thermal-Hydraulics, Advanced Reactor]
ProfessorDepartment of Nuclear Safety Engineering, Faculty of Engineering / Graduate School of Integrative Science and Engineering
[Probabilistic Risk Assessment, Nuclear Safety Engineering, System Reliability Engineering]
Associate ProfessorDepartment of Nuclear Safety Engineering, Faculty of Engineering / Graduate School of Integrative Science and Engineering
[Accelerator Engineering, Beam Application Engineering, Educational Tool Development, Nuclear Data Evaluation]
Associate ProfessorDepartment of Nuclear Safety Engineering, Faculty of Engineering / Graduate School of Integrative Science and Engineering
[Nuclear Fuel Cycle, Backend Process, Molten Salt, Structural Analysis on Complex]
Associate ProfessorDepartment of Nuclear Safety Engineering, Faculty of Engineering / Graduate School of Integrative Science and Engineering
[Advanced Reactor, Nuclear Transmutation, Tritium]
Nagaoka University of Technology
    Tatsuya Suzuki
ProfessorDepartment of Nuclear System Safety Engineering
[Nuclear Fuel Cycle, Reprocessing/Nuclide Separation, Radiochemistry, Isotope Science]
University of Fukui
ProfessorResearch Institute of Nuclear Engineering
ProfessorResearch Institute of Nuclear Engineering
[Nuclear Fuel, High Temperature Thermophysical Properties, Separation and Transmutation, Molten Salt Reactor]
ProfessorResearch Institute of Nuclear Engineering
[Reactor Materials, Radiation Damage, Material Strength, Corrosion]
ProfessorResearch Institute of Nuclear Engineering
[Nuclear Physics, Radiation Measurement, Nuclear Disaster Prevention, Fukushima Revitalization ]
Shizuoka University
Associate Professor
[Tritium, Radiochemistry, Surface Chemical Analysis]
Nagoya University
ProfessorDepartment of Energy Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering
[Nanomaterials Science, Nanocarbons, Nanospace Materials]
Associate ProfessorDepartment of Energy Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering
Tomita Group
[Laser Based Trace Analysis, Radiation Spectroscopy and Imaging, Quantum Beam Engineering]
ProfessorDepartment of Applied Energy, Graduate School of Engineering
[Reactor Physics, Nuclear Safety, Compuational Science]
ProfessorDepartment of Energy Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering
Associate ProfessorDepartment of Energy Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering
[Nuclear Fuel Cycle, Isotope Science, Isotope Separation, Nuclear Chemical Engineering]
Kyoto University
ProfessorInstitute for Integrated Radiation and Nuclear Science
Ken Kurosaki's group
[materials science, nuclear fuels, nuclear materials, materials informatics, thermoelectric materials]
    Tsuyoshi Misawa
ProfessorInstitute for Integrated Radiation and Nuclear Science
    Yasushi Saito
ProfessorInstitute for Integrated Radiation and Nuclear Science
    Masahiro Hino
ProfessorInstitute for Integrated Radiation and Nuclear Science
Neutron Optics group
[Neutron Optics, Neutron instrument development]
Associate ProfessorInstitute for Integrated Radiation and Nuclear Science
Thermal Energy System Division
[Nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics, Multiphase flow analysis]
Kindai University
    Hirokuni Yamanishi
ProfessorAtomic Energy Research Institute
[Environmental Radioactivity, Radiation Protection, Radon, Neutron Dose, Radiation Monitoring]
    Genichiro Wakabayashi
ProfessorAtomic Energy Research Institute
[Radiation Measurement]
    Hisao Atsumi
ProfessorDepartment of Electric and Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering
[Nuclear Materials, Fusion Reactor Materials, Hydrogen Storage Alloys, Energy Education]
Osaka University
    Takanori Kitada
ProfessorDivision of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering
ProfessorDivision of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering
Quantum Reaction Engineering (Murata Laboratory)
[Neutronics, BNCT, Radiation measurement, 1F]
ProfessorDivision of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering
Energy and Environmental Materials Laboratory
[Nucelar fuels, Fuel debris, Nuclear materials]
ProfessorDivision of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering
Nuclear Engineering Chemistry Laboratory
[Isotope Chemistry]
Okayama University
Associate ProfessorFaculty of Health Sciences
Kataoka/Yamaoka Laboratory
[Health effects of radiation]
National Institute of Technology、 Gifu College
Associate ProfessorDepartment of Electrical and Computer Engineering
National Institute of Technology、 Kurume College
    Noriyuki Iwata
Associate ProfessorDepartment of Materials System Engineering
[Materials Chemistry, Nuclear Materials, Biomaterials]
National Institute of Technology
    Eiji Takada
National Institute of Technology、 Fukushima College
Associate ProfessorDepartment of Mechanical System Engineering
[Material Strength, Small Specimen Test Techniques]
